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10-24kV 200A 快速取电套管

10-24kV 200A Interface quick connect bushing

  • KSTG-A1/200

    10-24kV 200A 快速取电套管安装在环网柜预留快速接头单元柜内,连接旁路作业快速插拔头取电使用,实现不停电作业。产品采用国际先进的后注射绝缘层工艺,电气性能达到国际领先水平,使用更安全、更可靠。安装条件不受恶劣环境影响,防凝露、防污秽、免维护。产品应力处理引进国际先进技术,产品结构尺寸小,充分满足了安装空间的要求。

  10-24kV 200A Interface quick connect bushing it is installed in the reserved quick connector unit cabinet of the ring main unit, and connects the quick plug-in head for bypass operation to obtain electricity. The product adopts the international advanced post-injection insulating layer technology, the electrical performance has reached the international leading level, and the use is safer and more reliable. The installation conditions are not affected by the harsh environment, anti-condensation, anti-fouling, and maintenance-free. The product stress treatment introduces international advanced technology, and the product structure is small in size, which fully meets the requirements of installation space.