产品应用: 线路过电压保护器作用在雷电击中架空线路时通过保护器引流环与导线之间形成的串联间隙和限流元件的协同作用,能在瞬间有效地截断工频续流,避免发生雷击断线事故可有效减少因雷击造成的线路开关跳闸,有串联间隙的隔离作用。 The line overvoltage protector acts on the overhead line when the lightning strikes the overhead line through the synergistic action of the series gap formed by the protector drainage ring and the wire, and can effectively cut off the power frequency free flow in an instant to avoid the lightning strike line breakage. Accidents can effectively reduce line switch trips caused by lightning strikes, and isolation with series gaps。